
Let’s Talk Tarot

a FaintNoise Blog

The High Priestess

The Divine Mother of the Tarot, and keeper of the veil, the High Priestess.

The High Priestess, High Priestess Card, High Priestess Keywords, High Priestess Flashcard, High Priestess Overview, High Priestess

In the 78 cards of the Tarot, few cards capture the imagination and intrigue quite like the High Priestess. She is the guardian of hidden knowledge, the keeper of secrets, and the embodiment of intuition and mystery. Let's Talk Tarot as we dissect the symbolism and meanings of the High Priestess card.

Who is the High Priestess?

The High Priestess is a significant archetype in the Tarot, representing intuition, wisdom, and the mysteries of the subconscious mind. She invites individuals to trust their inner wisdom, embrace the mysteries of the subconscious, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

In esoteric traditions, the High Priestess is considered a guardian of secret knowledge and esoteric wisdom. She represents the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind, inviting individuals to explore the depths of their psyche and access hidden truths. The High Priestess encourages introspection, intuition, and the exploration of the realms within.

Beyond the Tarot, the High Priestess archetype has deep roots in mythology and spiritual traditions. She embodies the feminine principle and is often associated with goddesses such as Isis, Persephone, and Hecate. The High Priestess symbolizes the connection to the divine feminine, inner knowing, and spiritual insight.


Traditional numerology The number 2 represents harmony, balance, and cooperation. Two emphasizes the importance of unity and partnership in relationships and endeavors. It signifies a deep connection to intuition and emotional sensitivity, encouraging empathy and understanding in interpersonal interactions. People influenced by the number 2 exhibit patience, diplomacy, and a willingness to collaborate, making them adept at resolving conflicts and fostering mutual respect.

Pythagorean numerology: In Pythagorean numerology, the number 2 embodies the concept of polarity, representing the interplay between opposing forces such as light and darkness, male and female, or positive and negative. Despite this duality, Pythagoras believed that the number 2 ultimately signifies harmony and unity, encouraging cooperation, partnership, and the recognition of interconnectedness. The number 2 is associated with relationships, both interpersonal and cosmic, highlighting the importance of communication, empathy, and mutual support. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for balance and moderation in all aspects of life, guiding individuals to navigate the complexities of existence with grace and poise.

The High Priestess, High Priestess Card, High Priestess Keywords, High Priestess Flashcard, High Priestess Overview, High Priestess

Overall, the number 2 in numerology embodies qualities of harmony, connection, intuition, and cooperation, guiding individuals to cultivate empathy, diplomacy, and a sense of balance in their relationships and interactions with others.

The symbology behind the card

In traditional tarot decks, the High Priestess is a mysterious woman with an expressionless face, wearing a lunar crown and flowing robes, with a scroll in her hand inscribed with the word "Tora." She sits between two pillars, one engraved with B, the other with J. Behind her, a veil adorned with fruit covers a body of water.

Horned Diadem: The horned diadem worn by the figure symbolizes her connection to spiritual realms and divine energies. The horns are often associated with symbolism related to nature, fertility, and the divine feminine. They can also represent the crescent moon, which is a prominent symbol in the High Priestess card, signifying intuition, mystery, and the cyclical nature of life. The center contains a globe. In esoteric or spiritual contexts, globes symbolize cosmic order, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things within the universe.

Cross on chest: The solar cross on the High Priestess's chest represents the integration of spiritual and earthly energies, as well as the balance between masculine and feminine principles. It symbolizes the union of opposites and the harmony of duality, reflecting the High Priestess's role as a mediator between the conscious and subconscious realms.

Scroll with "Tora": The High Priestess holds a scroll in her hands, inscribed with the word "Tora" or "Torah." The scroll represents the Greater Law, the key to the universe, the foundational principles of life, and the deeper mysteries of existence. It is partly covered by her mantle, which signifies the idea that not everything is explicitly communicated or known, and some knowledge remains veiled or implied.

White and Black Pillars: The letters "B" and "J" inscribed on the pillars represent Boaz and Jachin, two pillars that traditionally stood at the entrance of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.

  • Boaz
  • The left-hand pillar is often associated with the masculine principle and represents strength, stability, and establishment. The name "Boaz" is thought to mean "In Him is Strength" in Hebrew. Boaz signifies the active, assertive, and outwardly-oriented aspects of consciousness. It represents the pillar of severity and the element of strength.
  • Jachin
  • The right-hand pillar is associated with the feminine principle and represents beauty, balance, and establishment. The name "Jachin" is believed to mean "He Will Establish" in Hebrew. Jachin signifies the receptive, intuitive, and inwardly-oriented aspects of consciousness. It represents the pillar of mercy and the element of beauty.

    Veil of the Temple: : This represents the boundary between the conscious and subconscious mind, suggesting that some truths are hidden and can only be revealed through inner reflection.

    Embroidery of Palms and Pomegranates: These symbols represent fertility, abundance, and the cycles of life and death.

  • In Jewish tradition, there is a belief that a pomegranate contains 613 seeds, which corresponds to the number of mitzvot (commandments) found in the Torah. In the context of the High Priestess card in the Tarot, the presence of pomegranates may symbolize the abundance of hidden knowledge and spiritual wisdom, echoing the idea of the Torah's commandments as seeds of divine guidance.
  • In Greek mythology, the pomegranate holds significant symbolism, often associated with themes of fertility, life, and death. One of the most famous myths involving the pomegranate is the story of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. According to the myth, Persephone was abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld, and taken to the underworld to be his queen. During her time in the underworld, Persephone ate a few pomegranate seeds, which bound her to the realm of the dead. As a result, she had to spend a portion of each year in the underworld, leading to the cycle of seasons—her return to the surface bringing spring and her descent back to the underworld bringing winter. The pomegranate thus symbolizes the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the interconnectedness of the natural world and the divine realm.
  • In Kabbalah, the palm tree holds dual symbolism: firstly, its tall, upright stature parallels the steadfast commitment of righteous individuals to virtuous living and divine principles. Secondly, the palm tree is a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and fertility, rooted in biblical imagery portraying the Land of Israel as abundant with "date palms and honey" (Deuteronomy 8:8), representing its richness and fertility. I believe this symbolism points to our subconscious being a fertile land, and how we can plant seeds of abundance, were we to reach it.
  • Crescent Moon: At the High Priestess's feet lies a crescent moon, symbolizing the cycles of intuition, emotion, and the subconscious mind. The moon represents the feminine principle and the realm of dreams, intuition, and mystery.

    The Water: Behind the High Priestess flows a stream of water, symbolizing the depths of the subconscious mind and the emotions that lie beneath the surface. Water represents the flow of intuition, creativity, and emotions.


    Lets explore some hypothetical examples of what The High Priestess might mean in different spreads and positions


    What does the High Priestess mean in a love reading, The High Priestess, High Priestess Love


    In a relationship reading, the upright High Priestess signifies a deep connection to intuition and inner wisdom within relationships. It suggests a profound spiritual or emotional bond characterized by mutual understanding, empathy, and trust. Trusting your instincts and listening to your inner voice can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of your relationships. This could also be a relationship that helps both parties discover themselves and understand their subconscious better.


    When the High Priestess is reversed in a relationship reading, it signifies the challenges in your relationships likely resulted from ignoring your intuition. It cautions about potential deception or hidden agendas, advising you to be cautious and trust your instincts when forming new relationships. The High Priestess may also suggest a lack of understanding or miscommunication, indicating feelings of disconnection or distrust towards those around you. The reversed High Priestess is certainly a warning that it is essential to listen to your inner voice, seek clarity, and prioritize honesty in your interactions with others.

    Additional Meanings:

    The High Priestess does have keywords such as celibacy and infidelity. When referring to a person you are in a relationship with, this card can pop up to show their sexual energy. When upright, it may indicate this person is more connected to their upper chakras, and may not have much of a desire for lower chakra activities, such as sex. We often hear of women who commit themselves to a life of abstinence, so they can pursue spiritual lifestyles or relationships. That said, when reversed, this would indicate this person does not view sex as spiritual or emotionally connective at all, and may be a sign they are more promiscuous than you believed.


    What does the High Priestess mean in an obstacle position, The High Priestess, High Priestess obstacle


    In an obstacle position, the upright High Priestess suggests the challenge may be trusting one's intuition. It indicates a need to go deeper into the subconscious mind to uncover hidden truths or insights that may be influencing the situation. This is often called shadow work, which is really just a subconscious introspection that often involves unpacking limiting beliefs or facing fears.


    When reversed in an obstacle position, the High Priestess indicates difficulties in accessing intuition or inner guidance. There may be confusion or a lack of clarity in understanding the underlying dynamics of the obstacle. The reversed High Priestess suggests the need to reconnect with your inner voice and intuition, perhaps through practices such as intuition test, meditation, journaling, or seeking guidance from trusted advisors.

    Additional Meanings:

    The High Priestess is the queen of saying as little as possible, allowing people to come to revelations on their own. In an obstacle position, sometimes the High Priestess is telling you to be quiet. It could be you are saying too much, or that you are looking for too much outside validation. The answers lie within you, not within others.

    > What does the High Priestess mean in an obstacle position, The High Priestess, High Priestess obstacle


    What does the High Priestess mean in a health reading, The High Priestess, High Priestess health


    When the High Priestess appears upright in a health reading, it suggests a need to pay attention to the body's subtle signals and intuitive guidance regarding health and well-being. It encourages listening to inner wisdom and intuition when making decisions related to health and healing. This card may indicate the importance of holistic approaches to health, such as incorporating mind-body practices, meditation, or energy healing into one's wellness routine. Trusting in the body's innate wisdom and addressing any underlying emotional or spiritual imbalances can lead to greater vitality and overall well-being.


    A reversed High Priestess in a health reading suggests a potential disconnect from intuition or inner guidance regarding health matters. It may indicate ignoring or dismissing subtle signals from the body or neglecting holistic approaches to wellness. This card warns against ignoring intuition when it comes to health decisions and urges the individual to tune into their inner wisdom for guidance on healing and self-care practices. The reversed High Priestess may also highlight the need to address any underlying emotional or spiritual imbalances that could be impacting physical health. It's essential to prioritize self-awareness and listen to the body's messages in order to maintain optimal well-being.


    What does the High Priestess mean in a finance reading, The High Priestess, High Priestess finance


    In a finance reading, the upright High Priestess suggests a need to trust your intuition and inner wisdom when it comes to financial matters. It encourages you to listen to your instincts and pay attention to any subtle signals or gut feelings regarding investments, budgeting, and financial decisions. This card may indicate the importance of taking a holistic approach to financial planning, incorporating both practical strategies and intuitive insights. Trusting in your inner guidance can lead to wise financial choices and opportunities for growth and prosperity in your financial endeavors.


    When the High Priestess is reversed in a finance reading, it indicates a potential disconnect from intuition or inner guidance regarding financial matters. It may suggest ignoring or dismissing intuitive signals or gut feelings when making financial decisions, leading to missed opportunities or financial setbacks. This card warns against ignoring intuition and urges you to take time to reconnect with your inner wisdom to gain clarity and insight into your financial situation. By addressing any obstacles or internal conflicts hindering your ability to access intuitive guidance, you can make more informed and empowered financial choices moving forward.


    What does the High Priestess mean in a self position, The High Priestess, High Priestess self


    In a self-position, the upright High Priestess signifies a deep connection to intuition and inner wisdom within yourself. It encourages you to trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice when making decisions and navigating life's challenges. This card suggests that you have a strong sense of self-awareness and spiritual insight, allowing you to tap into your subconscious mind for guidance and understanding. Embracing the mysteries of your inner world and trusting in your intuition can lead to greater self-discovery, personal growth, and alignment with your true purpose.


    When the High Priestess is reversed in a self-position, she suggests a potential disconnect from intuition or inner guidance within yourself. It may indicate a lack of self-awareness or difficulty accessing your inner wisdom, leading to confusion or uncertainty about your path in life. This card warns against ignoring your intuition and urges you to take time to reconnect with your inner self. By addressing any internal obstacles or unresolved issues that may be blocking your intuition, you can regain clarity and insight into your true desires and goals, leading to greater self-discovery and personal fulfillment.


    What does the High Priestess mean in a career position, The High Priestess, High Priestess career


    In a hobby or career reading, the upright High Priestess suggests that your intuition and inner wisdom play a significant role in guiding your professional endeavors. It indicates that you have a deep connection to your passions and interests, allowing you to pursue a career or hobby path that aligns with your true purpose and values. Trusting in your instincts and listening to your inner voice can lead to success and fulfillment in your chosen field. This card encourages you to explore your creative potential and embrace the mysteries of your vocational journey, knowing that your intuition will guide you towards opportunities for growth and achievement.


    When the High Priestess is reversed in a hobby/career reading, it indicates a potential disconnect from intuition or inner guidance in your professional pursuits. It may suggest that you are feeling lost or uncertain about your career path or hobby interests, leading to indecision or lack of direction. This card warns against ignoring your intuition and urges you to take time to reconnect with your inner self to gain clarity and insight into your vocational aspirations. By addressing any internal obstacles or doubts that may be hindering your intuition, you can rediscover your passions and pursue a career or hobby path that brings you fulfillment and joy.


    what does the High Priestess mean in an advice position, The High Priestess, High Priestess advice


    In an advice position, the upright High Priestess offers guidance to trust your intuition and inner wisdom in making decisions. It advises you to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to your gut feelings when faced with choices or challenges. By tapping into your intuition, you can gain clarity, insight, and direction in navigating life's complexities with confidence and authenticity.


    When the High Priestess is reversed in an advice position, she advises you to address any disconnect from your intuition or inner guidance. It suggests that you may be ignoring or dismissing your instincts, leading to confusion or uncertainty in decision-making. The card urges you to take time to reconnect with your inner self through practices such as meditation, journaling, or introspection. Ask yourself how and why the events on the reading began. By acknowledging and addressing any internal obstacles or doubts, you can regain access to your intuition and make decisions that align with your true desires and values. Trusting in your inner wisdom will lead you towards clarity, empowerment, and fulfillment in your life journey.

    thumbnail what does the reversed High Priestess mean, The High Priestess, High Priestess reversed


    The High Priestess is the ultimate secret keeper. She sits before the veil, holding the inner workings of how everything is, and how everything came to be. She offers guidance to all that seek it on their spiritual journey, but her answer is always that the truth lies within you. While this card may be known as the archetype of intuition, I would argue she is the archetype of the subconscious, beckoning us to pull the curtains of the veil back to take a look at our inner workings.

    Some brief ramblings from the author:

    Chelsea Lauritson, FaintNoise

    I feel like the High Priestess is the card everyone wants to be. I also feel like the public sees her as more of a mystical being, rather than the bridge from the conscious to subconscious. I have also noticed this card is my decks go to way of essentially not telling me anything, and leaving me to figure it out on my own. Which isn't something I want to hear when asking a question. For this card in particular, I do recommend giving what Arthur Waite had to say a read.

    What does the High Priestess mean for you? Share in the comments.

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