
Let’s Talk Tarot.

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The Celtic Cross

A comprehensive guide

Welcome to our exploration of the Celtic Cross. We will be focusing on the insights of Arthur Waite, as presented in "The Pictorial Key to the Tarot." Our journey will involve breaking down the Celtic Cross spread one position at a time for close analysis. We will examine some practical uses, and finally look at a cohesive overview of how this method can be effectively applied in divinatory practices. The free PDF that is linked is printable and open source. I personally printed and adorned my own wall with these prints, so I can easily reference the images when doing readings.

Celtic Cross Tarot Card Spread

Card 0

The Significator


We begin by choosing a Significator, represented by Card 0 in the Celtic Cross spread. It is a card chosen to symbolize the querent (the person seeking the reading) or a specific aspect of their situation.


Having selected the Significator, place it on the table, face upwards. Then shuffle and cut the rest of the pack three times, keeping the faces of the cards downwards.


Card 1

This covers him

Covers Him

Turn over the first card of the pack, cover the Significator with it, and say "This covers him" This position unveils influences that currently surround the querent, offering insights into external factors impacting their life.

This Covers Him

This sets the tone and atmosphere for the entire divination, shaping the context in which the other cards will unfold.

Covers Him

If the first card drawn is the Lovers card, it suggests that the influence covering the querent involves a significant choice or relationship.

Example 2
This Covers Him

If the first card drawn is the Ace of Pentacles, it signifies a general influence of material prosperity and new beginnings. This could suggest that the querent is currently under the influence of opportunities for financial growth or the manifestation of tangible goals.

Card 2

This crosses him

This crosses him

Turn over the second card of the pack and lay it across the Significator, saying "This crosses him." This position reveals the nature of obstacles in the matter, providing insights into challenges or opposing forces at play.

Crosses him

Think of it as a crucial intersection where influences come into play and may impact the querent's journey.

This crosses him

If the Conflict Card is the Ace of Swords, it could indicate obstacles in communication or clarity. The querent may need to navigate challenges related to truth, honesty, or a need for mental clarity.

Example 2
This crosses him

If the Conflict Card is positive, such as the Sun, it suggests that the challenges may not be too serious. However, it's essential to note that a positive card like the Sun might indicate that the querent's positive outlook may not necessarily be advantageous in this particular instance.

Card 3

This crowns him

This crowns him

Turn up the third card; place it above the Significator, and say "This crowns him." This position represents the Querent's goals or ideas in the matter, revealing both their aspirations and the best that can be achieved under the current circumstances.

This crowns him

Think of it as the querent's conscious desires in relation to the inquiry; or possibly this card may embody the highest potential within the current situation.

This crowns him

For instance, if this card is the Chariot, it signifies a pursuit of victory and control over challenges. The querent's aim might involve harnessing inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles.

Example 2
This crowns him

On the other hand, if the Crown Card is the Ace of Wands, it could represent a desire for creative inspiration and new beginnings. The querent may aspire to ignite passion and embark on a journey of innovation and growth.

Card 4

This is Beneath Him

This is Beneath Him

Turn up the fourth card; place it below the Significator, and say "This is beneath him." This card reveals the foundation or basis of the matter at hand, representing what has already passed into actuality and has become an integral part of the situation. It signifies elements that the Significator has made his own.

This is Beneath Him

"This is Beneath Him" provides insights into the past events, experiences, or circumstances that have shaped the current state of affairs. It acts as a foundational layer, illustrating the groundwork upon which the present situation is built. This card can signify what the querent has already assimilated or encountered on their journey, or it could possibly hint at their subconscious desires.

This is Beneath Him

For instance, if the Beneath Card is the Eight of Cups, it could imply that the querent's foundation is rooted in a journey of self-discovery and emotional fulfillment. The groundwork may involve a willingness to leave behind what no longer serves their emotional well-being.

Example 2
This is Beneath Him

Alternatively, if the Beneath Card is the Queen of Swords, it may suggest a foundation built on clarity and rational decision-making. The querent may have established a basis for their endeavors by embracing a sharp intellect and a straightforward approach to challenges.

Card 5

This is Behind Him

This is Behind Him

Turn over the fifth card, place it behind the Significator, and say "This is behind him." This position reveals the influence that has just passed or is now fading away in the querent's journey. The 5th and 6th cards placement are dependent on which way the Significator card is looking if applicable.


"This is Behind Him" offers a glimpse into recent events or factors that have played a role in shaping the current circumstances. This is the "Past" card in the modern "past, present, future" spreads.

This is Behind Him

The Two of Cups might suggest that recent influences were centered around partnerships or emotional connections. The querent may have experienced harmonious relationships or encountered significant emotional exchanges that are now transitioning into the past.

Example 2

On the other hand, if the card is the Ten of Swords, it could indicate that the influence behind him involves the resolution of a challenging situation. The querent may have recently navigated through a period of difficulties or reached the end of a challenging cycle.

Card 6

This is Before Him

This is Before Him

Turn over the sixth card, place it in front of the Significator, and say "This is before him." This position reveals the influence that is coming into action and will operate in the near future of the querent's journey. The 5th and 6th cards placement are dependent on which way the Significator card is looking if applicable.


"This is Before Him" provides a glimpse into upcoming events or energies that will shape the near future. It signifies the influences that are on the horizon, guiding the querent's path as they move forward. This is the "Future" card in the modern "past, present, future" spreads.

This is Before Him

If the drawn card is the Ace of Wands, it might suggest that the querent is on the brink of new creative endeavors or a spark of inspiration. The near future may involve opportunities for growth, innovation, and the initiation of exciting ventures.

Example 2

On the other hand, if the card is the Seven of Swords, it could indicate caution and the need for strategic planning. The querent might face upcoming situations where careful consideration and discretion are essential for navigating potential challenges.

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Card 7



The seventh represents position or attitude in the circumstances. It's worth mentioning that this card and the remaining cards no longer have any verbal accompaniment.


"Himself" provides a direct reflection of the querent, embodying their current stance and attitude in the situation at hand. This card serves as a snapshot of the querent's position, offering insights into their perspective and approach. Many readers also consider this to be the advice position. If the Significator's mindset is a negative card, sometimes the solution may lie in the reversed energy.


For example, if the drawn card is the Eight of Swords, it might suggest that the querent is feeling restricted or trapped in their current circumstances. Their position may involve a sense of limitation or challenges that require a shift in perception for resolution.

Example 2

Conversely, if the card is the Three of Cups, it could indicate a celebratory and joyful attitude. The querent's position may reflect a sense of community, friendship, or a positive outlook on the current situation.

Card 8



The eighth card represents his house, reflecting his environment and the tendencies at work therein that have an effect on the matter. This encompasses his position in life, the influence of immediate friends, and other factors shaping the context.


"His House" delves into the external influences surrounding the querent, offering a broader perspective on the factors impacting the situation. This card provides a lens into the querent's environment and the energies at play that contribute to the unfolding circumstances, such as their friends, social media algorithm, or even their literal surroundings.


For instance, if the drawn card is the Four of Pentacles, it might suggest that the querent's environment is characterized by stability and a focus on material security. Their immediate surroundings may emphasize practicality and a conservative approach to resources.

Example 2

On the other hand, if the card is the Nine of Cups, it could indicate a harmonious and fulfilling environment. The querent's surroundings may be conducive to emotional well-being, happiness, and a sense of satisfaction in their immediate surroundings.

Card 9

Hopes and Fears


The ninth card gives his hopes or fears in the matter. This card represents the emotional and psychological aspects of the querent, unveiling their aspirations or anxieties related to the situation at hand.


"Hopes or Fears" provides a window into the querent's inner world, showcasing the emotional stance they hold in relation to the unfolding circumstances. This card illuminates the desires, uncertainties, or concerns that may influence their decisions and actions.


For example, if the drawn card is the Tower, it could suggest that the querent harbors fears of sudden upheavals or drastic changes in the situation.

Example 2

Conversely, if the card is the Star, it might indicate hopeful aspirations and a positive outlook. The querent's hopes may involve a desire for inspiration, guidance, and the manifestation of their dreams in the current matter.

Card 10

What Will Come

What Will Come

The tenth card represents what will come, revealing the final result shaped by the influences unveiled in the preceding cards. This card serves as a pivotal indicator, encapsulating the outcome of the divination and providing profound insights into the querent's journey.


"What Will Come" demands the Diviner's focused attention. It should encompass the entirety of revelations from the cards on the table, including the Significator itself and insights into higher significance.

What Will Come

If this card appears ambiguous or fails to provide a decisive conclusion, a repeat of the operation is advised. In such cases, the Tenth Card serves as the new Significator, guiding the exploration of a more detailed account of "What Will Come." The pack is shuffled and cut three times, with the first ten cards laid out as before.


If the Tenth Card happens to be a Court Card, it signifies that the ultimate fate of the divination lies in the hands of a person represented by that card. This individual's influence becomes pivotal, and a fresh operation can unveil the nature of their impact on the matter and the ultimate resolution they may bring.

Congratulations on Completing the Celtic Cross Tarot Course!

Bravo! You've reached the end of the Celtic Cross Tarot course. You've taken a significant step in your tarot journey. As you embark on your tarot journey, remember that practice and intuition are your most valuable companions.

Celebrate Your achievement with Celtic Cross art

Your journey through the Celtic Cross Tarot course has been a magical exploration, and to commemorate your accomplishment, I've prepared free downloadable PDFs featuring many of the captivating images from this guide. These prints are perfectly sized for standard letter-size paper, making them a wonderful addition to your sacred space.

I personally printed and adorned my own wall with these prints, so I can easily reference the images when doing readings. The artwork is entirely open source, so feel free to use it for various purposes or share it with fellow tarot enthusiasts.

PDF wall art: Tarot Artwork PDFs

Tarot Cheat Sheet

Explore the Tarot Cheat Sheet

Tarot Cheat Sheet

Additionally, I've curated a Tarot Cheat Sheet for you. It includes flashcards, quizzes, and insightful blog articles about tarot. It's a valuable resource to deepen your understanding and enhance your tarot practice.